29 March, 2015

A New Beginning

My new goal is to write at least once a week. I want to be a writer; therefore, I need to practice my skills. 

Spring is officially here and I am enjoying it more this year than I have in a long time. Although I still think too much about the future, I am learning to appreciate the little things like the fresh scent of the mint fields, new baby blossoms on the trees, and cloudless blue skies. 

Since I drive thirty-five minutes to work, I have fully enjoyed the changing of the seasons these past six months. I can admire the landscape of a fall afternoon, a winter evening, and a spring morning. Each tree is a friend and every field is a home. 

My world feels topsy-turvy right now. I work in retail even though I have a B.A. in both English and Psychology. Graduate schools continue to send me rejection letters, which means I may have to go for my masters at my small state university. Then my health continues to cause issues and I am forced to stay at home most of the time. But the changing of the seasons is the one constant. 

It's funny that something made by God to change every few months is one thing I can count on in all of this struggle and stress. I must remain hopeful yet mindful of my present surroundings and circumstances. The future is always waiting but the present slips away in an instant.


  1. Hello dear! I'm definitely following your blog from now on. :)
    -Kitty aka gcatherinev on Tumblr
